<<@Gymboyree says : Enjoyed this movie>> <<@syme9925 says : What a great movie! "Pays homage" to Independence Day, The Matrix, Oblivion, War of the Worlds and another I cannot recall just now.>> <<@ronnieblack7726 says : It appears to be a giant bird feeder.>> <<@SongMom8 says : That has got to be the dorkiest VP I have ever seen.>> <<@colleentipon2187 says : Loved this movie. Top ratings!>> <<@naturalmaxhealth5021 says : I wonder if I can find one of those regeneration chambers on Amazon 🤔>> <<@fredachildress3728 says : Not all aliens from other worlds want to take over the Earth, unlike the greedy, arrogant, egotistical wealthy tyrants and evil dictators who call themselves humans.>> <<@fredachildress3728 says : Aliens have come to this planet before, and they still are, but they travel in craft which we cannot begin to fly, nope. They're so far ahead of us that we'll never begin to catch up to their technology.>> <<@Pebbles13tx says : Score D->> <<@Ljordan43 says : Independence?>> <<@generovinsky7228 says : I know this is only a movie but in real life if this were true, we would be smarter than any ET. LOL>> <<@edwardkimakaballislifekim_578 says : Nice>>