<<@AlanLocklear-b5o says : I can't believe how people try to kill alan he seems to be a nice man>> <<@electric9798 says : 😳How did HE get the map?..all of a sudden?.Explain!.πŸ§‘β€πŸ«β—>> <<@kermitefrog64 says : This is a good movie. I wonder where it was filmed. The land scape is beautiful. This is a nice way to spend 6/22/24 when it is 107 Fahrenheit in the south end of the San Joaquin Valley California. I saw a version of King Solomon's Mines with Patrick Swayze, Richard Chamberlain, and Stewart Granger played in the movie back in the early 1950's. Sean Connery played in a version of Allen Quatermain The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.>> <<@edwardmullendore2007 says : Talk about raped G>> <<@mayonmekhi says : Bad acting>> <<@Crozbyguy-rg1iu says : Cheesy Luigee>> <<@dalemorris8609 says : May God bless your future endeavors. 🦜>> <<@loksterization says : Fun movie. Some detail: The letter from London in the beginning was addressed to the province of "KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa" .... But KwaZulu-Natal only came into existence in 1994, as before that the province was simply called "Natal", which incorporated the traditional region of Zululand, combined with the British territory of Natal and the Boer republic called "Nuwe Republiek".>> <<@richardtaylor3798 says : 33 mins in--nothing ...im giving up on it.>> <<@35RDG says : This ain't nothing like the other Quartermain movies! I didn't like it at all!>> <<@jaded9087 says : This is so B gradeπŸ˜‚ Lasted 15 min and could not endure the shocking acting>> <<@garyreneker6226 says : Too slow and too dry and uneventful.. Boring.>> <<@duckman2173 says : Fun Fact: Alan Quatermain first appeared in a book called King Solomon's Mines that was published in 1885.>> <<@warrenvollaro2529 says : I did like this film but going into the african wilderness with no food no supplies just seemed absurd, how did they expect to survive, let's be real I just wanted the girl, what else is new, enjoy the absurd if you can>> <<@AllanVillasis-ko2tf says : πŸŽ‰>> <<@coastdweller says : Ive yet to see a movie that did the true Alan quartermain character justice but this was the closest.>> <<@ericteneyck8691 says : Looked like a college film school summer project. Low budget is one thing, but to not even make an effort to make costumes look period is laughable. Blue plastic bead on leather gloves, velcro on shirt pockets. No effort to avoid modern stuff in background, I am pretty sure I saw a tractor. Couldn't get further than that. Not panning Movie Central, just the movie.>> <<@Antraeus says : Abysmal>> <<@hubertwebb9869 says : And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:15-21 King James Version 15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. 16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: 19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: 20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: 21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.>> <<@IrenaKujawa-i3v says : ...dwa stare glupki...πŸ˜‚>> <<@cynthiagibson6793 says : Admiral Halsey notified me he had to have a bath or he couldn't get to sea>> <<@victorfinberg8595 says : interesting: 1:11:00 that is "men of harlech" this song is featured, famously, in "zulu", although a different version>> <<@kayeninetwo3585 says : Lame>> <<@victorfinberg8595 says : ten thousand pounds. what is that, a billion dollars? what is that, 99% profit for the school (after expenses) ?>> <<@darrellturner560 says : What happened I fell asleep. Actually don't worry, I got it. FA!>> <<@matthewwaddington2777 says : Well this was dumb!>> <<@jjm503 says : Where did the chains and face grabber come from? Just strategically placed there...hmmm>> <<@drew-shourd says : hahahahaha...@3:54 when that horse jumped the clift, the effects were so bad it reminded me of a Sinbad movie from the late 50's....hahahaha. If you don't have the budget to pull of an effect, write around it.>> <<@leostgeorge2080 says : Wonder why the cave in always happens right when the treasure is found? Ruins the ending to many good stories with a generic ending.>> <<@fredflintstoner596 says : Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !" Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam ." Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!" Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window ? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?..." Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!" Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky." Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction." Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?">> <<@TNHFPRODUCTIONS987 says : I was right Allan Quatermain came first and Indiana Jones ripped him off. King Solomon's Mines was written in 1885 by the English Victorian adventure writer and fabulist Sir H. Rider Haggard. It tells of a search of an unexplored region of Africa by a group of adventurers led by Allan Quatermain for the missing brother of one of the party. It is one of the first English adventure novels set in Africa and is considered to be the genesis of the lost world literary genre. Haggard dedicated this book to his childhood idol Humphry Davy. Haggard wrote a 2nd book over his summer holiday in 1885 immediately after King Solomon's Mines release It was first serialised in Longman's Magazine before being published in 1887. Allan Quatermain is the protagonist of H. Rider Haggard's 1885 novel King Solomon's Mines, its one sequel Allan Quatermain 1887 as well as twelve prequel novels and four prequel short stories, totalling eighteen works. An English professional big game hunter and adventurer, in film and television he has been portrayed by Richard Chamberlain, Sean Connery, Cedric Hardwicke, Patrick Swayze and Stewart Granger among others. Allan Quatermain is based on Frederick Courteney Selous Born December 31st 1851 – Died January 4th 1917. He was a British explorer, officer, professional hunter, and conservationist, famous for his exploits in Southeast Africa and his real-life adventures inspired Sir Henry Rider Haggard to create the fictional Allan Quatermain character. Sir Selous himself was a friend of Theodore Roosevelt, Cecil Rhodes and Frederick Russell Burnham. He was pre-eminent within a group of big game hunters that included Abel Chapman and Arthur Henry Neumann. He was the older brother of the ornithologist and writer Edmund Selous.>> <<@PoorDog69 says : O god I remember this one as a kid. I prefer Indiana Jones instead>> <<@reeblesnarfle4519 says : Just ok...>> <<@davidcrabtree5698 says : A real tame movie! Can't say much for the acting.>> <<@alexfang2581 says : Definitely B grade, no wonder it went straight to DVD πŸ˜€>> <<@dancampbell9151 says : What - they couldn't brush out the high voltage power lines at 3:42? What time frame is this movie supposed to be? 19th or 20th century? πŸ€”>> <<@videosrus8631 says : Tripe>> <<@reinatocumpio9129 says : Greed really is Evil!!! The Good prevails! G9od Vcharac.and movie.>> <<@Carl-ht7cg says : No Actors or zebras or yaks died in the making of this movie>> <<@henryhairythankyou8734 says : 😍😍 I enjoy a good movie>> <<@ajforms4818 says : I was waiting for the good part, but it never came.>> <<@timbigger1731 says : What time period is this supposed to be set in??>> <<@nickdawson9236 says : very badly filmed and a total waste of time>> <<@bryans5150 says : Utterly ridiculous waste of time>> <<@tonymccomas9899 says : my life just gone shit>> <<@jameskeith7608 says : Setting of without a water bottle between them, and definitely no toilet paper.>> <<@jameskeith7608 says : Not a patch on other films about Solomons mines>> <<@do-re-me-fa3258 says : I truly enjoyed this movie it wasn’t the type of movie that kept you on the edge of your seat but it was a movie for relaxation with your cup of coffee by your side and your dog. Unless watch again because I know I must’ve missed parts I will share and I will save. Thanks to movie central Sci-fi for sharing this great movie with us in the uploadπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸ>> <<@cigarzan says : I can't believe I made it half way through this boring piece of amateurish crap.>> <<@bobalicious2696 says : There's bad movies, and then there's this one.>>