<<@k.l00916 says : Worst movie I've ever seen. I made it half way>> <<@Dimster6666 says : Really bad acting, really bad continuity. Check 27:19 scene. One scene the blonde girl's negligee strap is OFF her arm, next angle it's ON her shoulder, next scene it's OFF again. If you're going to bother doing a movie get someone to check the continuity - it makes it look really amateurish!>> <<@CrystalCollins-z6g says : This is based on a actual case about a pair of serial killers and the brutality.>> <<@SamanthaMimi says : Fuking do something pls Its MIMI 😢😢>> <<@VikkieAtkinson says : This was really some freaky shit. Victoria Lucille Atkinson>> <<@NellDervish-hb1xc says : Stupid movie im switching off these kinds of movies sets the rest evil men in world to feel proud of themselves . Why would you make sick movie like this . I'm outta here .>> <<@somebodysmart1947 says : I know this is based on a true crime happened in the early 80s, if one of the victims really praised for them and they killed her then they deserve a special place in hell.>> <<@massflate6635 says : The music is enough to tell you this is going to be a messed up movie>> <<@kaylakane69 says : This film is made with a handheld camera no script no actors no lighting or scenes. They literally made the movie up as they were filming walking around whoever's house or car they had on hand this movie sucks unbearably bad I give it a -10>> <<@Angel-tj8fo says : My heart goes to all the victims that suffered horrible torture and death. He was a coward to commit suicide>> <<@heath9377 says : Great acting.... they looked so scared! The audition was probably more horrifying 😂>> <<@singsonthadou7773 says : Good>> <<@jesus.rodriguezrodriguez9542 says : You bastard man fretting woman's that way this is very bad movies the behaviour is an unacceptable>> <<@stevenwendellnelson8861 says : I am delivering a sermon to you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😊 please read Consistently Pray for forgiveness, guidance in a good (positive) direction, and for help against evil. Pray to be saved from hell  (whatever that may be). Pray for your friends and your family too, it only takes a minute or so/less at a time to pray. Do it and your life will slowly get better, or maybe quickly. It probably just depends on you and the kind of person you are/have been. Don't wait until its too late and you have to suffer the consequences of built up bad karma from immoral acts/unrepented sins. Maybe together we can help make the world a better place by changing ourselves for the better, and changing things around us for the better. And addressing/thanking the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD at the beginning and end of your prayers would be a good idea. Be my friend and I will pray for you, but I do not know how much help me doing so will give you. You should try to practice daily prayer yourself. I'm trying to help you get right with the LORD 🙏 Amen. I have worded a short prayer for you to say if you are not sure what words to use, it may not be the best but here it is 😊 ''   CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD, Please forgive me and my friends and my family for our immoral acts, please help guide us in a positive direction and please help us against evil. Please save us from Hell and have mercy on our souls. Thank you for everything CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD. Amen.  '' Please say this at least once a day for at least a month, do it longer if you want to and can 🙏 You should prostrate yourself if you don't want to do spoken prayer, or do both 🙏😊 Please worship the LORD GOD and not any idol. Please put your hands together 🙏 bow your head and say this prayer: "CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD, please know that I worship you and not any idols. Thank you for everything CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD. Amen" Say '  Om Namah Shivaya  ' or '  Om Namo Bhagavate Rudraya  ' out loud or in your head 108 times, or try to do it 1008 times 😊 try to do it everyday if you want repeat this aloud for as long as you want to, try to do it for like an hour a day or say it in a prayer  "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner" You can also say this prayer once a day or repeat it aloud as many times as you would like to: "Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen." Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." "O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You!"   Repeat this aloud at least 3 times or as many as you want, do it everyday if you can I apologize for all the words 😊 I know how it may look If you can't remember the words to any prayer, pray the words as you read them>> <<@pleasantlyblue7425 says : Well the music is rather annoying because it hurts my ears!>> <<@touiklau1254 says : Evil come in all form but it base on a person choice ,men in suits an ties ,in police uniforms ,sitting in high places like the president house when a person chooses to do evil than that what we got ,it will never end until God remove our free choice to choose good or evil which will never happen .>> <<@ann-mariepaliukenas19 says : The acting is amateur but least they trued.>> <<@mjm.3859 says : Leonard Lakes wife should never have been given immunity. One of crime shows I watched showed at trial the defense for Charles NG called her to the stand and read the immunity given from prosecution. Bc they didn't ask her anything prosecution couldn't question her. She also went to the cabin night before LE even though she was told not to. She took videos, and God knows what else. Evil men.>> <<@suzannelesperance1963 says : Big porc>> <<@suzannelesperance1963 says : Evil men>> <<@suzannelesperance1963 says : Sadic débile m'en>> <<@suzannelesperance1963 says : Stupide mental sadic men>> <<@suzannelesperance1963 says : It réel movie so cruelity men>> <<@suzannelesperance1963 says : Cruelity humain>> <<@suzannelesperance1963 says : Prayer>> <<@suzannelesperance1963 says : Poor lady>> <<@Daviousss says : They look nothing like ng and lake.>> <<@tphilipson9991 says : Read the comments ...NO THANKS TOOK IT OFF MY LIST>> <<@tphilipson9991 says : WOW!!! THOSE ATR SOME SCARY REVIEWS. MAYBE I DONT WANT TO WATCG. THANKS FOR THE WARNINGS>> <<@howardpurcell6668 says : Reality show you¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡?????>> <<@howardpurcell6668 says : I love a true story stressing me it's good for the ! Sense now you know>> <<@geraldineparker883 says : thays sick hope they fryed in old sparky karma get them evil they are monsters>> <<@geraldineparker883 says : monsters the get whats coming eval rats>> <<@tylerowens7129 says : Trash movie 🍿🎥 ☠️💀☠️💀☠️☠️>> <<@jennyrules2694 says : Good movie really interesting what to sickos they were I thought the acting in this was good for a like budget movie thanks for the uploads>> <<@stevetrivago says : I’ll watch it for the entertainment, but Jesus! The least they could’ve done was shown a missing picture of the actual victims… Not with duct tape on their mouths 🙄 real classy>> <<@kevinstanley9024 says : This movie sucked the actors were horrible,really bad production>> <<@johnmanshanden8271 says : This was the saddest movie those poor ladies what they went through not saying anymore' you need to watch it>> <<@francessavella7825 says : This is truly one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen! I hope these monsters rot in heal for eternity!!!!!!!!>> <<@libra42ful says : These aren't humans... they're creatures straight from Hell...I hope they have to writhe in physical and emotional agony for eternity, feeling ALL of their victims pain, emotions, and desperation, ALL at the same time, for the eternity of their souls, and have to be continuously conscious of all of it, for infinity>> <<@libra42ful says : I made it to 19:36....My rage towards the two disgusting, pathetic, insecure, waste of life, "creatures" just became too much, I can't continue to watch...imo, scum like this, should be tied to posts, in public, naked...and anyone who wants to come by and torture them in any way, should be allowed to, until they die>> <<@redwing771 says : prayers in the air for all the people harmed and their family's>> <<@annamariachristopoulos4263 says : Why didn't the lady with the blonde hair poison those demons>> <<@ruthstauffer6390 says : I'm speechless. Wow!>> <<@karimanning9232 says : These are the kinds of souls that burn in the lake of fire>> <<@karimanning9232 says : Who can even comprehend these monster pieces of filth!>> <<@Starae336 says : Crap movie>> <<@ahamyani1694 says : Spons Bob movie is 100% better horror 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩🤮🤮🤮🦶🦶🦶🦶👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼>> <<@andysmith620 says : This was really good interesting movie>> <<@SOz-uf5yq says : Sick Scumbags, BURN IN HELL.>>